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Discovering MORNING Gym Sessions

Updated: Jan 27, 2020

I've had my gym membership for so long I don't even know when I signed up. I, like soooo many others, signed up with so much motivation and false aspirations to become a gym rat that lifts weights and takes kickboxing. Last summer's 'swimsuit season' came, and went. And again, this fall I found myself (once again) thinking to myself "oh my god, if I start now JUST THINK of the changes come summer time". But aside from my saved Pinterest tabs with 'healthy meal plans' and 'at-home workouts', I hadn't made any real effort.

Low and behold, the day came when I finally put on my two year old nikes that look BRAND NEW and head to the gym. I went in the evening after work at about 6pm, and oh my god, everyone and their aunt were at the gym. I have this weird thing where I am super self conscious when I'm in a setting I'm unfamiliar with. And as I type this, I hear how basic I sound. I'm sure there are so many others just like me, so I'm sorry if I sound a bit whiny. So anyways, I'm going into the gym, and of course everyone at my gym is so freaking hot and in shape. Legit, you could not tell the people working out from the personal trainers. I went into the locker room, where Sports Illustrated could easily hold casting calling for models, and got ready to get beef.

The second I left the locker room I spotted the treadmills on the far side of the room and went STRAIGHT THERE, EYES DOWN. After doing a stupid run for 45 minutes and trying to slyly look from side to side to see what kinds of machines and weights were in the gym, some girl came and asked when I would be done. Fair, I've been on for awhile and there were so many people that there were lines forming behind e v e r y t h i n g.

I left the gym so fast and immediately called my friend to complain about feeling so out of place, overwhelmed and embarrassed to branch out to things in the gym I wanted to try out. I, like you (probably), follow fitnessgrammers that do so many fun and interesting workouts that I was so looking forward to maybe trying. Honestly, I have no one to blame but myself for caring so much about making a fool of myself in front of people that don't matter. At all. In my conversation to my friend I even said that I'm just going to cancel my gym membership since I don't see myself ever being comfortable there. But honestly, I thought to myself, one last go. I'm going to attempt to go to the gym in the morning. What?!? Morning?!? I know. I couldn't believe myself either, but I was so determined to finding a solution before giving up completely.

Okay, so there it was. Morning. It is amaaazzzinnnggg. There were still quite a few people because those were the other crazy people that wanted to go to the gym before work, but compared to the evening, it was like an ice cream shop in the winter versus New Years Eve in Times Square -- I'm not exaggerating. I LOVED being there and feeling like I could try whatever I wanted for however long I wanted. I didn't care to try weightsmachines and then reduce them because they were too heavy, I didn't care to try out weird ab workouts I saw on Instagram or Pinterest, and I didn't have to worry about anyone coming to bother me to take my place. Another plus, the locker rooms were always so empty that I could openly take as many selfies and mirror pics that I wanted without a naked butt in the background or someone walking in on me popping out my butt. And let's be real "pic or it didn't happen" is REAL motivation to keep getting up early to go to the gym before work. I actually looked forward to taking my daily morning pic to send to my best friend as proof that I actually woke up and went and to my boyfriend to believe that I actually did go to the gym, come back, and shower all before he woke up!

So I guess my advice is: If you're feeling like how I did: overwhelmed, stressed, and not feeling 100 to try out new workouts, try going in the morning! And if you're looking for some motivation to get there, try taking pics like I did below! If there are more tips, pleeeasseee let me know because the more motivation the better.

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