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Foundation (not from an expert)

Up until last year I've always used drugstore foundation. To be honest, I didn't even really know the difference between foundation, concealer and powder. I didn't pay mind to gloss or matte, cool tones or warm tones, light coverage or full coverage. I would just stop by the drugstore, hold up different bottles until it matched my skin tone and called it a day.

If this sounds like you, please take it from me, and stop making life harder for you than it needs to be! So many times I found myself with makeup that was too orange, too blotchy and sometimes even too white. I'm never going to be a beauty blogger and I'm still not someone who spends too much time on my makeup but I did make a 'foundation' transition I can never go back on.

One day, after running out of my maybelline or loreal foundation, I decided to go to the mall and try out the big guns. I went to Estee Lauder, tried their 4x as expensive foundation and BOUGHT IT. And let me tell you, oohhhh boyyyyy, I am never going back!

This foundation:

~ Lasts WAY longer than any I have ever had before.

~ Has FULL coverage that lasts all freaking day and I promise you, is lightweight.

~ Is EXACTLY my skin color. There's no issues of being two toned anymore.

~ Doesn't dry out my skin, cake, or cause acne.

~ I just love it - does this qualify as a bullet point too?

Like I said in the title of this blog post, I am no expert. This is just a blog post from a girl that had (and still has) very little knowledge about the benefits of putting down just a little bit more cash for a better product. I guess you could call this a PSA for girls wondering if it's worth it. I know that I stayed away partly because it all sounds so overwhelming and kind of confusing but I promise you, all those chipper girls in the makeup shops at the mall are MORE than eager to explain it all to you and let you try it all out.

Anyways, the product I specifically use is Estee Lauder Double Wear 1N2 (I'm white, I know).

Don't hold my makeup pics to high standards. I'm not a beauty blogger.

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